Comfort Coaching
I was Born a Comfort
{Comfort was my maiden name}
Be a Comfort...
Being Your Comfort during challenging times...
Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony
as YOU BEcome empowered to...
Breakthrough to a Life of Higher Self Esteem, Self Confidence and Self Worth
by gaining Clarity, Courage and Calmness to Create the life you desire!
As I healed from my self labeled middle child syndrome I became aware that I had several People Pleaser {Comfort Coaching's niche} traits. I realized my life story's theme: "What about me?"could be further healed by focusing on beliefs that created that core childhood wound. As such I now focus on assisting others with their beliefs using powerful processes as a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach. Additionally, Body Wisdom, Inner Child Work, Parts/Voice Dialogue are a few of the processes used as well.
Comfort Coaching is Awareness Life Coaching & services for relationships beginning with the one with yourself to move out of egoistic separateness into HEART {Heal Expand Align Resonate Transfigure} contentedness and connection.
P.S. Get used to my self coined acronyms as this is how I basically share, teach and write. Like poetry it helps me to stay focused and more concise! : )
Compassion Openness Manifestation Forgiveness Opportunities Relationships Transformation
are areas of focused inquiry into oneself especially the shadow self and while working with beliefs. Indeed an unComfortable undertaking that is best supported by a personal Coach. You see all of the above are tinged by grief in some way, because they require letting go, surrendering and changing which are necessary for true Transformation. Manifestation is the process of envisioning what you want, and doing whatever is necessary to turn it into a reality. This journey has obstacles and thresholds that require course correction, which is mostly because of unconscious beliefs that keep cropping up. Knowing how to discrete those and create beliefs that will serve you better is the portal to where synchronicity meets Opportunities.
Are you ready to begin the journey of becoming more familiar with your MEPS?
Your Mental * Emotional * Physical * Spiritual aspects of yourself?
Do you desire Domestic Tranquility instead of Domestic Distress in your Relationships?
- Are you tired of being disappointed?
- Had enough of what seems to be unfairness in life?
- Are you done holding onto the past?
- Worn out from letting people walk all over you,because of your lack of boundaries?
- Still attempting to get fulfillment via external validation from others?
- Keep holding back from expressing your needs?
- Afraid to speak up for yourself?
- Frustrated by old thought patterns?
- Reactionary rather than responsive when you get triggered?
- Exhausted from giving so much of your time & energy without reserving any for yourself?
- Ready to do some care taking of yourself?
Awareness Life Coaching to Consciously Create Personal Power....Personal Peace
It’s time to stop existing as a worrywart, causing anxiety and overwhelm and START to live a more purposeful, joyful life built on a solid, unbreakable foundation of Self-Love.
No matter what you’ve been going through or how hopeless you think things are right now, I can lead you through highly effective processes that will be life changing.
These are powerful processes that can bring about an immediate change in your personal energy which can open the floodgates for emotional and physical healing—even if it feels like you’ve tried everything.
People Pleasers know who they are. They live for making others happy, often at the expense of their own happiness.
When you’re a People Pleaser nothing else matters. You are ultra-sensitive about others’ feelings, and you’ll do anything and everything to accommodate the needs of anyone in your radar.
This sounds nice on the surface, but it’s a cross to bear; a burden so heavy, a responsibility so massive, that it can lead to anxiety, depression, a nervous breakdown, low self esteem, codependent relationships and a feeling of helplessness that can quickly become a slippery slope.
Why? Because People Pleasers don’t realize, until it’s too late, that they are performing an impossible task. It truly is impossible to please everyone, and this fact leads to a life filled with swimming upstream for the People Pleaser.
What about you?
What do you think about your life right now, this very moment?
- Are you constantly going against the current, in “all work and no play” mode, wondering when your turn for success, happiness and prosperity will finally arrive?
- Do you feel like you’re always trying to catch up to life?
- Are you plagued by soft addictions (especially external validation) allowing yourself to be manipulated away from preferred opportunities?
I’m Sharon Fisher and I’ll be your Clear Beliefs Coach, your guide, and your mentor as you move from living to please everyone to living for your own sense of personal value.
When you begin to do this, you’ll start to have:
- More energy
- More purpose
- More freedom to do what you love
When you TRULY value yourself , you’ll start to see things through a whole new prism, one filled with vibrant colors that will wash out the grays and blacks of your current People Pleaser spectrum.
Now I’m going to let you in on a little secret.
You may need to read this next sentence more than once, but believe me, it will be worth it, because the following words can change your life.
Here they are:
You will quickly realize that you can only consciously create what you want when you discover what has been causing you to create what you don't want.
Do you understand how powerful that is?
Once you realize that YOU hold the keys to your own happiness (and that you always have), you can start to change things RIGHT NOW!
This is of utmost importance if you’re a People Pleaser, because once you discover SELF-LOVE via Self Awareness, you’ll stop being a perfectionist. You’ll stop trying to be all things to all people. You’ll stop spinning your wheels and wasting precious time.
And when these things stop, your life can truly begin.
You transform to Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony! (my Heart centered business motto)
Isn't it time....
- to discover your true worth?
- to stop self-sacrificing?
- to give up being a martyr?
- to awaken to your authentic self?
- to accept your Self-who you were created to be?
I AM, Sharon A. {Comfort} Fisher, a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Life Coach not a therapist.
I AM an Energy Empower-er
I do not promise to diagnose, cure or treat disorders, illnesses or diseases.
As a client, participant at a workshop/lecture/visitor/reader of my websites/telesummit/ you are totally responsible for all your decisions, actions, feelings and post session processing!
Please, note: Phone # in video is outdated correct # 607-217-4939
Life Coaching for Relational ~ Grief ~ Spiritual aspects of your life
I am especially helpful to a particular group of individuals referred to as
"People Pleasers"
I Empower People Pleasers
Wholly discover SELF-LOVE via Self Awareness.
I engage & assist with the development of Self Respect
by exploring Self Worth/Self Esteem/Self Confidence
Stepping away from perfectionism
Growing into acceptance
Blossoming into Personal Power
Creating Personal Peace from within!
Wholly discover SELF-LOVE via Self Awareness.
I engage & assist with the development of Self Respect
by exploring Self Worth/Self Esteem/Self Confidence
Stepping away from perfectionism
Growing into acceptance
Blossoming into Personal Power
Creating Personal Peace from within!
How may I assist you in creating your life based on Self Love?
How would you love to live everyday being who you were created to be?

Are you ready for an adventure to passionate living?
Are you willing to cross the bridge from existing to living life to the fullest?
Would you like to connect and experience the benefits of life coaching?
What am I hearing, yes, yes, yes?
What are you waiting for?
Do yourself & the rest of the world the most gracious favor....
become the best you by learning how to live from the Spirit rather than the ego!
Are you willing to cross the bridge from existing to living life to the fullest?
Would you like to connect and experience the benefits of life coaching?
What am I hearing, yes, yes, yes?
What are you waiting for?
Do yourself & the rest of the world the most gracious favor....
become the best you by learning how to live from the Spirit rather than the ego!
Looking forward to sharing more information....
*Be brave*
*Challenge yourself*
*"Heal" emotionally before trapped energy manifests physically*
*Tunnel on through the re-birthing tunnel to the other side of creating life*
{By clicking on each page listed in navigation menu}
I'll meet you there

a successful
Solution for finding a Lasting Relationship
Love YOU first!
Born a Comfort to be a Comfort
Once a Comfort always a Comfort
Being Your Comfort during challenging times!
People Pleasers you deserve time for YOUrself!
One of the ways I enjoy & maximize my time to re-energize is to make time to listen to music while experiencing Sound healing & Brainwave Entrainment. This use of my time becomes very beneficial in many ways. I invite you to see for yourself it this tool works for you as well. To get you started just click on the picture to the left of this for your FREE sample. These handy mp3s may be download to go where ever you go. |
I AM, Sharon A. {Comfort} Fisher, a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Life Coach not a therapist.
I AM an Energy Empower-er
I do not promise to diagnose, cure or treat disorders, illnesses or diseases.
As a client, participant at a workshop/lecture/visitor/reader of my websites/telesummit/ you are totally responsible for all your decisions, actions & feelings.
I AM, Sharon A. {Comfort} Fisher, a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Life Coach not a therapist.
I AM an Energy Empower-er
I do not promise to diagnose, cure or treat disorders, illnesses or diseases.
As a client, participant at a workshop/lecture/visitor/reader of my websites/telesummit/ you are totally responsible for all your decisions, actions & feelings.