BELIEFS In the words of my mentor & colleague, Lion Goodman
"Beliefs are at the core of every experience, decision, and pattern in our lives. We literally create our reality with our beliefs. Negative beliefs operate like a badly programmed operating system, making a mess of everything else, and preventing you from doing what you came here to do.
You may hear inner voices that use these phrases to criticize or diminish you. This type of belief can cause depression, self-loathing, over-achieving, self-sacrifice, and other negative conditions.
At the core of every bad feeling you have about yourself, and every limitation you have, there’s a belief operating in the background, like an annoying little machine that you can’t turn off.
Here’s the good news: Every belief, no matter how deep, can be pulled up for examination, and changed. Simply and easily. When you make changes in your subconscious mind directly, change is permanent. You become different. Life becomes different. Your entire life experience is constructed by the beliefs you’ve accumulated since you were an infant. Change the lens of your beliefs, and you’ll change both your perception and your experience. Change your beliefs, and your circumstances and your possibilities will also change.
It’s that simple. Beliefs reside in your subconscious mind – below the level of conscious awareness.
When you were young, your parents and caregivers indoctrinated you with their beliefs. It began when you were an infant, before you could speak. Those indoctrinated beliefs are buried deep in your pre-verbal memory. Most methods can’t reach the basement where they’re stored.
Your parents and caregivers indoctrinated you for a good reason: they wanted you to survive and thrive. Their beliefs allowed them to survive, so they wanted you to have those beliefs, too – whether they were a good fit for you or not. They didn’t know any better. it’s exactly what their parents did to them.
You formed your self-view and world-view from those indoctrinated beliefs, unconsciously. You didn’t know any better at the time, and you rarely questioned it. It was just “what was so.”