Awareness Coaching to Consciously Create
Personal Power....Personal Peace
Personal Power....Personal Peace
What Signs
Indicate you could benefit from
Comfort Coaching Connection's
Solution Focused Life Coaching
Relational ~Spiritual ~ Grief
"If you think you have a problem accept that your belief systems {thoughts} are giving you trouble, not the world."
Larry Crane
Personal Coaching

Time for a new stage of life....
Tired of feeling trapped
Lack Personal Power
Lack Self Respect
Lack Self Worth ?
Tired of feeling trapped
Lack Personal Power
Lack Self Respect
Lack Self Worth ?

Need more space....
Personal Boundaries
Personal Freedom
Time & Energy for you ?
Personal Boundaries
Personal Freedom
Time & Energy for you ?

Total freedom....
No Guilt
Passion to be & do what you desire- when you desire-why you desire it?
No Guilt
Passion to be & do what you desire- when you desire-why you desire it?

Need to feel....
Grounded ?
Grounded ?

Wading or Waiting to....
Test the waters
Experiment with alternative life styles
Experience different things ?
Test the waters
Experiment with alternative life styles
Experience different things ?
Relational Coaching
Yourself & Others

New or different in your life?

Trying to discover....
Your Self Worth
Your heart's desires
What really matters?

Curious about....
Your genuine self
Your purpose in life
What life is all about?
Grief Coaching
Where are you in life?

The butt stage....
Need to get off your butt & start living?
No buts.... I am too old, tired, disappointed...
Get off the pity pot if you want to live triumphantly!

Feeling uprooted....
Loss of a loved one, pet, job
End of a relationship
No sense of belonging?
Loss of a loved one, pet, job
End of a relationship
No sense of belonging?

Divided Loyalties....
Please yourself or People Please
Undecided about personal circumstances
Career issues?

Reached a plateau....
Enough is Enough
Time for some type of growth in your life
Develop new hobbies & interest ?
Enough is Enough
Time for some type of growth in your life
Develop new hobbies & interest ?
Spiritual Coaching
Where are you going in life?

Out of....
Your shadow from the past
Anxiety of the unknown future
Into the moment
Presence of being ?
Your shadow from the past
Anxiety of the unknown future
Into the moment
Presence of being ?

Not sure....
What route
Which direction
How far?
What route
Which direction
How far?

Is everyday....
An uphill battle
Endless things to do
Dreaded tasks
Over commitment?
How are you feeling ?

A bit off kilter?


Disappointed ?

Life going down the drain....
Just about to sink into a hole ?

Angry ?

Dried up
Dangling ?

Need rejuvenating....
Old on the outside
Young on the inside
or vice versa ?

Light going out of your life....
Losing desire
Zest is gone
Same old same old?
How can you ?

Remove road blocks keeping you....
From obtaining your goals
From fulfilling your dreams ?

Turn your passion....
Into a job
Utilize talents & gifts for which you were created?

Know if....
"The grass is greener on the other side"
You are just bored
It's just a stage you are going through
Your not being your genuine self?
"The grass is greener on the other side"
You are just bored
It's just a stage you are going through
Your not being your genuine self?
What are you tired of ?

Yielding to others'....
People Pleasing ?

Being misunderstood....
Perspective denied
Fighting unfairly
Arguing ?

What can you do to ?

Detach from....
Unhealthy relationships
Black & white thinking
Lack of flexibility ?
Unhealthy relationships
Black & white thinking
Lack of flexibility ?

Get out from under....
Difficult Decisions
Pressure conditions
Dominating situations?

Become released from....
The past
Others control
Unnecessary expectations ?

Learn better communication skills....
Active listening
Being heard
Expressing self ?
What are you ready to do ?

Take control....
Say NO
Speed up
Slow down
Pace yourself?

Trying to be perfect
Being a procrastinator
Being an overachiever
Living in fear?
Trying to be perfect
Being a procrastinator
Being an overachiever
Living in fear?
What do you want to do ?

Turn your life around....
Go an entirely different way
Slightly alter your course
Reconstruct the way you are already going?

Get rid of....
Trash addictions
Recycle old habits
Throw away limiting beliefs?

Rekindle togetherness....
Repair old relationships
Initiate new ones
Strive for more intimacy ?
No matter....
What stage
Where you are in life
Where you want to be
Where you are going
How you are feeling
What you are tired of
What you want
What you can do
What you are ready for....
Comfort Coaching Connection
Will empower you in your solution focused process to answer all your questions in the quest for truth from your own knowing.
Solution Focused Life Coaching
Comfort Coaching will empower YOU
Melt People Pleasing patterns away
Create your life based on
Self Awareness
Self Acceptance
Self Respect
Self Confidence
Self Esteem
Self Worth
Relational ~Spiritual~ Grief Coaching
I AM ,Sharon A. {Comfort} Fisher, a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Life Coach not a therapist.
I AM an Energy Empower-er
I do not promise to diagnose, cure or treat disorders, illnesses or diseases.
As a client, visitor/reader of my websites/telesummit/ you are totally responsible for all your decisions, actions & feelings.