Who appreciated you?
What were you Appreciated for?
How was the Appreciation shown?
I think the biggest part of this world's problem is due to lack of Appreciation. So many are of the me, me, me mentality; give me, pay attention to me, what's in it for me mindset. This is all related to the Ego's attempt to keep us separate from each other; protecting ourselves beyond normal personal boundaries intruding into the subconscious's reactionary mode of past experiences. "Me" is a pronoun, the object whereas "I" is a pronoun, the subject. "Me" therefore requires someone or something outside of itself to fulfill it. On the other hand "I" is the subject and is internally empowered by self. The difference between being a victim and being a co-creator & leader of your life.
What can you do today to show your Appreciation for someone or something in your life? How can you be a leader model by showing Appreciation to/for your children, your partner, your friends etc? If you can't think something related to one of those, what about yourself? What can you Appreciate about yourself in this present moment? Appreciation is a component of Self Love and is different than the me, me, me mentality. Many have been taught it is a selfish gesture to put self first and this is entirely different from being a conceited person who is full of their self. The difference basically boils down to compassion, empathy and honor.
As I began my day, I recalled how touched I was by my son Kamaran & his girlfriend, Shelby last night. I was feeling Blessed by huge Appreciation and let it spill over into writing about it:
© March 30, 2015 Sharon A. Fisher
Dedicated to Kamaran & Shelby
I AM honored by your respect!
I was honored by your invitation to dinner;
Honored by:
Granting me the front seat,
Consideration while exchanging conversation,
Your thoughtfulness when deciding on menu items,
Your good manners n kindness,
Your generosity to treat by paying for my meal,
You patiently waiting until I was safely in my home.
Your time to be with you in your presence.
I AM honored to be your Mother!
It is an honor, @Kamaran having you as a son,
It is an honor, @Shelby to share part of life with you,
I AM honored to be Loved n to Love you!
We complain when things don't go our way, way more than Appreciate & express it when things do go our way. Taking things & especially people in our lives for granted is pretty much is the reason why. In other words, we give so much more energy to pay attention to our dislikes than focusing our attention on Appreciation. Is it any wonder that happiness seems to be so far out of our grasp? Is it any wonder the Ego keeps on wanting more & more until it can be happy? Is it any wonder we don't feel worthy?
I don't know about you, but I know I prefer to focus my energy on Appreciation everyday!
What does expressed Appreciation look like?
Verbally expressing it to someone, Writing a note, sending a text, FB a message or share a post you Appreciate. The simplest action of expressing thanks for being you, or for lending a hand etc. If you find this hard to do just for a moment think about what your life would look like if nothing or no one else existed but you. Who or what would you miss the most? Now with that in mind bring it back into your Awareness and speak to it from your Heart. If you have actually lost a loved one or pet, rather than focusing on the missing & sadness bring them to mind & remember a Joyful memory associated with them into your Awareness.
Appreciation is a wonderful way to raise your vibration & theirs.
I know we all have many things in our lives to Honor by Appreciating.
Sincerely in Spirit,