True, what we have planned may not come about for reasons beyond our understanding, beyond our control as we are among other co-creators fulfilling THEE Creator's design. However, we are given breath every moment to begin again, to create how we desire our life to be from where we are by allowing FAITH to be the bridge away from fear, {helplessness and defeat} and cross over to where we want to be in the essence of Love!
Don't depend on hope. Jim Carey said at the Maharishi University 2014 commencement ceremony;
" Hope walks through the fire and Faith jumps over it." Hope is more of a passive energy. Don't stand in the sunshine and hope not to get burned on a scorching hot day. That is not hope that is ignorance. Hope is beneficial to inspire our intentions, yet action is the element missing from hope. Let hope be the starting gate, a signal that it is time for the activity to begin. Hope is the springboard to get us over the hurdle, beyond the egoic threshold trying to keep us safe, while scared to move beyond our comfort zone.
Faith is the knowing, believing, and the Trust that what is meant to be is more than existing frozen at the starting gate. What is meant to be must not be another a passive energy otherwise known as not taking personal responsibility for where we are. Meant to be is the finish line of the race that has already taken place. Meant to be means it is time to begin the next event in the race. Meant to be indicates we have moved forward; maybe by forcing our self to jog along or struggling to even keep one foot ahead of the other rather than actually running. Nevertheless, we must keep moving forward by crossing that bridge to Love even though circumstances other than what we anticipated showed up for some reason.
It all comes down to personal choice. Do you even want to be in the race? If not chances are you aren't. How do you know if you aren't? You aren't if you are sitting in the bleachers as a spectator watching others manifest their dreams. Also, symptoms tell you. Are you exhausted {aka lack energy} , maybe even sick and can't even think about participating in the race today? Have you totally given up on even entering another race {aka are depressed, feeling helpless,apathetic} ? If you aren't ready to participate now, please, don't beat yourself up for you are right where you are meant to be, for NOW. Simply, Acknowledge where you are and if you don't like what you see course correct. Maybe you have been running around the same track countless times when actually you have desired to run cross country. Maybe it is time to relocate to a new track.Maybe it is time to stop jumping hurdles and enter the pole vaulting event. Maybe it is time for a slow and steady pace. You know what is best for you even though you may have temporarily become disconnected from it. You can reconnect by getting out of your head and become centered in your Heart. Christian Pankhurst said: "One of the most important philosophical "keys" to becoming Heart Intelligent: Total and compassionate self-acceptance. It's only when we accept who we are as we are right now, without making who we are wrong, can we open a space for true sustainable change to occur." What change would you like to make? Not sure? Well, to get you started here is one of my coaching AIDEs {Assistant Indicating Desired Evidence, my acronym for tool }. Do yourself a favor and make time to give this worksheet some attention. If you would like some help you know where to find me!
Sincerely in Spirit,