How do you summarize your life in 2012?
What do you wish you had done differently?
Out with the with the NEW"or borrowing an old slogan "I've come a long way baby!" best describes my life for 2012.
How do you summarize your life in 2012? What do you wish you had done differently?
One of the ways I enjoy & maximize my time to re-energize is to make time to listen to music while experiencing Sound healing & Brainwave Entrainment. This use of my time becomes very beneficial in many ways; I have time to myself, I AM experiencing healing sound, I AM increasing my brain power, I AM meditating, I AM relaxing, I AM increasing my energetic vibration, I AM balancing my MEPS, I AM destressitizing,{I love making up my own words!} I AM feeling connected to Source as I AM just Being! The results are heightened creativity, a healthier refreshed, re-motivated me willing to take on the world. People Pleasers Personal Peace.... Heaven on Earth. I invite you to see for yourself it this tool works for you as well. To get you started just click on the picture below for your f.r.e.e. sample. These handy mp3s may be download to go where ever you go so you may "Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony!" where ever you are! Afterwards, if you are so inclined drop me an email if you care to share your experience. P.S. Comfort Coaching & Sharon A. Fisher are not in any way responsible for the results you experience. Click to set custom HTML
Proudly introducing my official business n telesummit{which is currently in the works} Logo. Grateful to Corey Swietzer for his talented art work! Designed by yours truly, Sharon A Fisher ©2011 Outside the home I grew up in as a child there were purple Iris along the one side of the house. I totally fell in love with them because they were delicate, graceful n so majestic. This is one reason I chose an Iris as my logo. Another reason is that this Iris is extremely symbolical because it represents me as an earthly n spiritual being as my soul evolves. When at its logo size {enlarged here for display purposes} the words are unreadable because my Iris is just like life....more than what it appears to be at first glance. |
Sharon A. {Comfort} Fisher