How do you summarize your life in 2012?
What do you wish you had done differently?
Simplified; for me the old was old beliefs and the new was new actions. Specifically, knowing when I had done or given enough of myself to others. Believing that it was up to me to decide what was best for me without being lead into more doing by others' requests. This created boundaries, boundaries gave me Personal Power followed by consequences of choices that lead to completion of "goals". One accomplishment I had was completing my Emotion Code Certification, which now makes me a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner in addition to being a Certified Life Coach. Doing this was multipurposed; I proved to myself that when I make a conscious decision, based on clarity & intent and follow up with action I will manifest what I want. I proved to myself that now matter what is going on in my life {Jan: son's issue, Feb: death of a pet, March: Mother's health/admission to assisted living rather than continued living with me after 13 yrs, which required me 3 months of hoeing out & cleaning in addition to dealing with the emotional aspects of the circumstances, Spring: 2 more family members' health issues, various other times through out the yr. more stuff with which I won't bore you as by now you get the picture} it is my responsibility to "reserve energy", so that I don't get my MEPS too out of whack. In other words, it is my responsibility to take care of my own needs such as not allowing myself to become overwhelmed, overworked, too tired etc. To know when enough is enough before I push myself beyond my limits and give away too much of me.
How do you know when you have reached your limits?
What do you do for yourself to unwind so as not to deplete your energy?
Bottom line; I learned this year more than any other year to BELIEVE & TRUST in myself as well as TRUST in thy will be done!
Out with the with the New....has allowed me to be more focused on my business. For example, I've been guided to do more live events {as opposed to online} because I've been told that my presence in and of itself is healing. No wonder I prefer connecting with others in person. I thought I was just old fashioned. LOL.
So I've been busy participating in events such as FMK; the Fresh Start Market in Chenango Bridge NY; the NY SHIFT event in Oneonta NY. I also attended my first conference in AZ hosted by my personal Spiritual mentor Andrrea Hess {Empowered}. AND was able to spend quality time with my son & his family while there!
How does it get any better than that?
Also, I've continued to research, learn,be coached, heal & evolve both myself & my business. Remember, or maybe this is a new AWARENESS {I am after all an AWARENESS coach} my business, Comfort Coaching was built on my own personal healing journey of being a People Pleaser. I AM my business, Comfort Coaching, because in order for me to teach, heal and empower others I've had to do the same for myself, first.
For those unfamiliar with me, the past 2/12 yrs. I've been following my passion to serve using my Divine talents & gifts. AND at the same time I've had to step out of FEAR of feeling not worthy enough....not deserving....afraid to ask...afraid of being rejected! All the time knowing I was operating from my Higher Self and it was going to take my time, energy & investment in myself or else I'd be out looking for a job just to pay my bills. In other words, I had to stay committed to what I wanted.
What FEAR is holding you back from how you want your life to be?
Why am I sharing all this?
a) Because I finally feel I AM fully ready to shine my light into the world by sharing my gifts with YOU! AND by being genuine & authentic I am showing how YOU too can do the same.
b) Because of the time of the year....Holiday Season
This is the perfect time to gift yourself or to allow others to gift you so that you can begin to co create the life YOU want!
We all know how ineffective New Years resolutions are. A definition of solution is "bringing or coming to an end or into a state of discontinuity" and "re" is a prefix meaning again & again indicating repetition. Why would you want to keep repeating something that doesn't work again & again? Basically, that is the definition of insanity.
What do you desire to let go off from 2012 or from your past?
To close 2012 I am offering YOU some end of the year specials which will expire on Feb 1, 2013. This means if you are serious about getting from where you are to where you want to be, you just might want to call for your calendar scheduled spot today!
My mission is win win win....
I benefit by sharing & serving my purpose with YOU. YOU benefit by consciously creating the life you want. The world benefits by our Personal Peace which contributes to Universal Peace! Together we energetically raise the vibration of Universal Consciousness!
In order to do this I have created some awesome specials:
What appeals to YOU?
Emotion Code Package {not even available on website}
3 Emotion Code Sessions $299.00
Snap Awareness Session $63.00 {1/2 off website fee}
Let's skip further listing & keep it simple & say you get 1/2 off any of the services listed here:
Non Expiring Offer
20% off any future service for YOU when make a referral to Comfort Coaching {based on web prices at time of referral}
This referral can be by directing someone via word of mouth to my website services or event. All they have to do is give me their email/phone number permitting me to contact them. You get a referral credit if you know any friends or family who are interested in my services or belong to any group or organization {this could be in person or via conference phone line} that might need a speaker and they contact me. They must mention your name specifically!
How does it get any better than this?
Well, if you haven't take advantage of your complimentary Spark Awareness Session, I invite you to do so ASAP if you choose. Here's the deal, now that I AM ready to share my gifts and develop new products, my schedule will fill up
quite quickly and I will be limiting, possibly discontinuing these sessions; after all it is a "contribution" of my time, energy & value, another thing I learned in 2012 to APPRECIATE!
How do I know if this is for me?
You'll know....
When your commitment to yourself....Self Love....which I believe creates Personal Peace....becomes greater than your will begin to consciously create the life YOU want....what YOU Intend your life to taking ACTION.... investing YOUR Time, Energy & Money to support you during the process.
You'll know....
If you are experiencing any ongoing STRESS {worry, anxiety, overwhelm etc.} in any area of your MEPS
You'll know....
If illness/disease is taking over your life.
What are YOU waiting for?
According to my Spiritual mentor, Andrrea Hess, YOU are waiting for YOU!
What do you say about out with the old & in with the NEW....a NEW YOU for the New Year, 2013?
What ever YOU choose....
May you "Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony" AND BE Blessed with a Safe & Peaceful Holiday Season!
Sincerely in Spirit,