A time for renewal!
If you are on the PPRT {People Pleasers Recovery Time}
mailing list and have read the emails you are already
aware of the fantastic year long event presently
going on. If not allow me to make you aware of the
Illusion to Illumination 11:11:11 to 12:12:12 telesummit
being hosted by Nilofer Safdar.
In Nilofer's words "the Illusion to Illumination Summit Community is part of
the Global Web of Energy that we are creating together. Just by registering
for the summit, you are plugged into the incredible love energy which we are
tapping into as a collective. Just by being a part of this community, you
experience the shift and transformation."
This is a F.R.E.E. event to which I am personally inviting
you! All you have to do it click this trustworthy link
and you will be entitled to hear live interviews as well
as having access to replays. Also, if you choose
you may purchase the upgrade package of mp3s.
How does it get any better than that?!
Well, actually for me it gets a great deal better
as I am fortunate to be one of her speakers
on Wed April 4, 2012 @ 8pm EDT.
So if you are craving some more People Pleasing
conversation, please, join Nilofer and myself
by registering via this link
During my session I will refer to my own personal transformation
What about me? <=> Wholly in Love with Me!
Life Story Transformed to Life Created
The 3 Key Points covered will be
What are People Pleaser's Patterns
How to Heal them with the A's of Self Love
Why Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony via your MEPS
This is going to be powerful! Will you be there?
This is a wonderful opportunity to
Embrace your Illusions & Become your Illuminated Self.Become a part of a Global Community of Evolutionaries.
Discover and learn to use your own innate tools to navigate the incredible
treasure map of your soul.
With free gifts and giveaways you’re going to want to be on this content-rich call live,
but if you can’t make it, we’ll send you a link to the replay once you sign up
with the link below.
Sincerely in Spirit,