Remember, it all begins with YOU! So if you want to "Live Your Life in Holistic Harmony" take notice of the words that come out of your own mouth! Young children learn from their parents', caretakers' , teachers' etc. volume, tone and meaning of words, because those words convey both attitude n meaning. So choose your words consciously rather than being a stimulated, reactionary, automated subconscious robot.
Clearly, the world is in desperate need of healing! How much would it cost you to hold your tongue, to let the gatekeepers of true, kind n necessary words be your MO {method of operation} during your daily life?
Today may your genuine kind,true,and/or necessary words:
Praise someone for a job well done.
Thank someone for doing something appreciated.
Bless someone for being supportive.
Give hope n inspire those frail in faith.
Allow another to know how valued they are.
Most of all....
May the words you speak starting today carry the sound vibration of LOVE!
Sincerely in Spirit,